Saturday, November 27, 2010


After thefirst week of E7 ,I Feel a lot of diffences between E7 and previous courses at REW.The first and the most maginificant difference is the more difficulties of E7 compared to E6,not only the fast speed of the teacher speaking ,but also the higher difficulty level of the final exam. So i should take more efforts in my daily life.

In the first week.the teachers told us what is the purposes of E7,and gave us some valuable information about  the forms of the 4 exams respectively,and let us know several strategies of how to handle our final exam .In adiition,the teachers encouraged us study ftoward  the goal. I felt I am filled with passion.

In E7 classes,I had to try my best to listen to the teachers carefully,because I did not wanna lose something important .More than that,not like E6,I did  much more  independent studies after my classes, such as looking dictionary for learning new words, lisening to some listening stuff I downloaded on the internet,and reading local nowpapers on my way home.

Finally,I will prepare well for my 10mins-long oral presentation. I believe I will improve my English skills after 4 weeks if I focus on my E7 study.  And may every classmate will pass the final exam.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is not the teachers but the record tapes who speak too fast. We are really facing more challenges in E7 than the previous courses. The essay we are required to write is much longer and more difficult. The listening materials are much faster than before. Additionally, we need to do rescarches to prepare for our oral prestentation, which is another difference from E6 courses. We should study harder to conquer these difficulties.
